
South Australia

About This Project

Brompton Stages 2 and 3 is a large component of a four stage inner city redevelopment. The total site had a chequered past with parts that had initially been quarried for clay used in the manufacture of bricks and other parts that were occupied by Adelaide’s early “heavy” industries. When the clay resources had been exhausted the resulting holes had been filled with mixed waste material from the surrounding industries, much of which was contaminated. Amongst all of this the early development also included a wide range of workers cottages and later development brought newer accommodation.

The land required significant remediation to address environmental and geotechnical issues before it could be used for new housing.

In 2007 Greenhill Engineers Pty Ltd was engaged by The Angus Consortium as civil engineering consultants for the development of stages 2 and 3. Greenhill Engineers’ work began as the remediation works were being completed.

The civil design for site surface grading, road grading, stormwater system and sewerage all required careful assessment to control the project costs on a site that had a high base cost as a result of the remediation process. The remediation of the site also imposed specific limitations on the depth of trenching for services and the base of the stormwater detention basin. These issues were all complicated by the level of existing mains around the perimeter of the site.

The end result has been the successful development of sites for single and multiple dwellings many of these sites have now been sold and dwellings are now being constructed.

This project was awarded the UDIA 2009 Award for Excellence in the area of Professional Consulting.

Please click on the thumbnails below to see full-size images.

Land Division, Stormwater